So I have been diagnosed with general anxiety and social anxiety and I have been noticing more and more lately that I'm getting extremely attached to the people around me especially my girlfriend.
Back story:
Ok so my girlfriend comes over every weekend and we hang out and such, and sleep together. (No not like..the sexy type, I mean the literal cuddling falling asleep in each others arms type of thing). But I have noticed that ever since I knew her that I would have panic attacks if she didn't text me back right away, at first because I was scared her dad did something to her but now it's just in general, I would panic. If she's not with me I feel this constant dread something horrific is going to happen to her, resulting in panic attacks where I can't breathe and my heart clenches. Lately I have gotten around 2-3 hours of sleep because I would have panic attacks and violent sobbing fits because I've been exhausted, mentally drained and all I can think about is how I need her. It would start out small like I miss her but then it keeps getting worse and worse to the point I would have panic attacks and severe depression episodes, it even getting to the point of suicidal thoughts and that I HAVE to see her right away or call her or something....Even when we have fights, if she leaves the room I get scared and extremely lonely along with the severe depression episodes and have to run out to her right away...I don't like being alone I know that, but I'm starting to think this may not be a normal thing....I know I can't be diagnosed unless by a psychiatrist but I don't have the $ to go to one at the moment so I was just wondering if it may possibly be separation anxiety? Even with my mom I get a sinking feeling and I get panicked if I don't see her for a long period of time.
(Btw my girlfriend and I have been together for 4 years now...Idk if that changes anything or not though.
