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Gingerbread Latte Offline
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Jeez, get a life!
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Name: Cara
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What happens when you tell your doctor you're suicidal? - February 3rd 2015, 04:52 PM

So since Christmas I've been feeling suicidal on and off but last week I very nearly overdosed. I thought that it was period related and I possibly had PMDD since I do feel more down during that time of the month but my period has gone now and I'm still feeling suicidal.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow just to get some blood test results but since that won't take too long I've thought about telling my doctor how bad things have gotten.

I'm wondering what will happen when I do tell them though? Obviously since I'm over 18 they can't tell my parents but I'm worried they'll try and make me stay somewhere overnight or something. It's my final year at university and I'm doing a huge project that I can't afford to lose any time on and I don't want to be sectioned or locked up or something.

I know they can only keep you if they feel you're a real danger to yourself but what would make me a danger to myself? I mean, I have a rough idea of how I'd kill myself but it's not like I have every detail planned out...

Has anybody got any experiences they can share with me preferably before my appointment tomorrow? (preferably UK based as well since that'll be more relevant to me).

ps. if I don't get much advice before my appointment please leave this thread open since I may make a new appointment at a later date to discuss this if I don't feel confident enough bringing it up tomorrow, thanks mods!