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Name: Kylie
Age: 27
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Concerned about possible anxiety - January 22nd 2015, 10:34 PM

This has started somewhat recently, although I have had difficulties with milder versions of this in the past.

I started going to a new school this year, so I don't know if this has anything to do with it, although I would figure that if it did it would have happened at the beginning of the year instead of happening later, since I'm pretty comfortable with my new school at this point.

A little background. In general, I've always had problems with anxiety when it comes to social interaction. Anything that has ever required me to be in front of people has caused me to have panic attacks in the past. It's gotten worse over the years, as I used to be a pretty outgoing kid, at least to begin with. Most people do have some sort of fear of say, public, but I recognize that my reactions to such situations are abnormal. I've thrown up, nearly passed out several times, and all because my heart was beating out of my chest and I was just in general freaking out.

What has become of more concern to me lately is the fact that this has started happening in non-social related scenarios. For example, several days ago while a friend was presenting a current event to the class, all of the sudden I started shaking uncontrollably, and could feel my heart racing. My palms were sweaty and moist and I felt like I was panicking. When this happens, I feel like I'm choking or drowning and have difficulty breathing properly, which probably adds to the faintness. It lasted for about 10 minutes and then dissipated, for absolutely no reason to my conscious knowledge. This has happened several other times within the last three months, also while sitting down listening to a lecture, doing independent work, or just sitting at home reading. The best way for me describe what I feel during these episodes is "impending doom" with no known cause for the feeling.

I imagine I should probably go and see someone, presumably a therapist, and probably a doctor to rule out any physical causes for this.

Any advice or suggestions? I meditate on a pretty regular basis and do yoga, and it has not been helping as of late. I also don't drink coffee, caffeinated beverages, and definitely not energy drinks, since I know many people my age do and that can contribute at least in some cases.

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Not a word.
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answer. It sings because
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