Re: Is it depression, Is this how it feels? -
January 8th 2015, 04:24 AM
I'm not a doctor so I can't diagnose anything but I can see it's bothering you and suggest to go see a doctor. The longer you wait too see the worse it seems to get. It took me almost dying to get help and wouldn't want that for you. You do describe it and seem your struggling with things so it's worth the time and going to see someone. Even a school counselor. They wouldn't call your parents because your just feeling sad but I don't know the guild lines for your school. But I suggest to talk to someone about it someone you trust.
Life is too
Short to spend
It at war with
I’m catching stars in the sky because I am fixing the soul within me. May it be from the heart a girl broke years ago or my soul simply repairing itself as it was shattered on my walk on this earth. May the stardust fill those cracks within my soul making me brand new, but never forgetting who I once was.