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Re: Beading/Jewelry -
January 7th 2015, 08:22 PM
1. Watching Netflix for long periods of time is defintiely a hobby.
2. I absolutely love jewelry making! Here are some things that you can try! Some of them may be a little difficult at first, but after practice, the results can be awesome! (I'll bold supplies)
-Embroidery floss bracelets
Embroidery floss is pretty cheap and you don't need a whole lot to get started. There are many websites that show the basics. I would suggest starting out making the "Chinese staircase" design, as that is normally the easiest if you're a beginner. If you're not, I suggest working on the flat kind where you can make patterns like stripes and chevron!
-Wire jewelry
For this you would need more materials. I enjoy making beaded jewelry, so I use flexible beading wire. After you cut your piece of wire, you can attach metal clasp(fastener) to one side using a crimp bead to make a loop in the wire, securing the jewelry clasp so the bracelet is wearable. To flatten the crimp bead, you would need crimping pliers or flat-nosed pliers.
Then you put the beads on. After you're done, you make another loop at the untied end of the bracelet using another crimping bead. Instead of a clasp on this side, you can use a jump ring or other type of fastener. If you search "how to use crimp beads", you could probably find some people who know how to explain that a lot better than I can! You can also search for each bolded word (the supplies needed). I would have linked them for you, but since we are in different areas, stores not accessible to you were the only ones showing up.
This type of jewelry can result in very professional looking results. They're not too difficult to make after you learn how to use the crimp beads and they look great! I've even sold these before! 
-Chain bracelets
Metal chains are available at craft stores! I love making bracelets by weaving pretty fabric (ribbons, strips of lace) through the chain. You could also add beads! If you use wire cutters to cut the length you want, you can then use other pliers (I like needle nose for this) to take apart a link in the chain and then attach it to the other end, forming a bracelet.
I guess I'll stop here, but I always have jewelry making ideas to share, so I'd definitely love to talk sometime!
♥♥♥ Find your light in a new dawn.