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Re: Depression and family problems affecting schoolwork and exams - January 5th 2015, 10:22 PM


I was in the exact same situation as you this time last year so I understand how hard it is to try and focus on doing well in the exams to come whilst dealing with depression. The fact that you're worried about your lack of motivation at the moment shows that you do care about your exams and so that in itself can provide you with some motivation to start working and do well.

Firstly, I'd recommend you try and set up a revision timetable as you're more likely to stick with it that way than if you didn't have one. You can start off slowly by doing say one or two hours of revision a day, and then gradually increase the time you're spending on revision as it will be much easier to do it that way. It may seem like a lot of effort now, but you'll realise that it was all worth it after you've finished them and you get the grades you want.

Secondly, about the depression, do you know why you're feeling this way? If there's a particular reason as to why you're feeling the way you are then it may be easier for you to work out how to deal with it better. Also, it may help if you talk to somebody about it, whether it be a family member, a friend or a counsellor. They can offer you help and advice in dealing with it, and it's much easier to get through it if you have someone there to help you with it.
I hope this has helped