Re: Screaming thread. -
December 30th 2014, 10:47 PM
Just going to smile and pretend that everything is okay when you talk to me. It's how I've always been and will do so. It amuses me how you act like everything is totally normal and then when you ask me what's wrong, the conversation always ends up turning to be about YOU. Why is everything always about you and your wants, demands, needs, etc.? I am a person too and I certainly have stuff I want too. Maybe its time I start distancing myself from you...slowly further and further away. Or maybe I'll just continue to talk to you like I'm a zombie. Hmm...maybe I'll let you pick or I'll just chose something and play along just like you do to me.

"Imperfection is beauty;
madness is genius;
and its better to be absolutely ridiculous
than absolutely boring."
-Marilyn Monroe