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  (#7769 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - December 30th 2014, 03:12 AM

- I saw that you read my text message about today and you have yet to respond. Maybe it's my current anxiety attack talking, but please don't tell me we had a really nice date and you're just going to ditch me. You seem like a really nice guy; I'd hate to think you'd do something like that.

- I'm not okay. I don't know what's wrong, but I'm not okay.

- I'm going to try and be a big girl Wednesday and accept that you're going to get a date, if not something more, out of it. It's time that I be supportive of you. You've been very supportive of me and my goals lately, and it's only fair that I be as supportive of you.
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