Thread: Triggering: Saving Molly.
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WhisperingSilence Offline
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Saving Molly. - December 29th 2014, 11:26 PM

This thread has been labeled as triggering by the original poster or by a Moderator. Please take this into consideration before continuing to read.

Yazmin's phone vibrated, picking up her phone to check , three text messages all from Molly. 'Ring now need help' . 'Ring please ring' . 'Please'. One text after the other. 'Help please help'. Another text.
Picking up her phone scrolling through her contacts she selected Molly and pressed call. The wait for Molly to answer her phone was painfully long.
When Molly did answer the conversation went something like this:
Yaz : 'Hello you alright' .
Molly :'Can you meet me? Need help'
Yaz: 'Whats happened you okay'
Molly : 'cant say meet me'
Yaz : ' okay town at 12 meet you at our normal place'.

It was not the first time something like this had happened this was Molly's usual trick. Yaz new it could be sorted out, this sort of thing usually is. Molly had been having trouble with Tom her boyfriend for some time now. Most people knew this but something didn't feel right, there was something about the way Molly was talking - she was talking quietly not something she usually did.
Molly was late. Usual there then. When she did show up she seemed down and not her usual self. Noticing this she suggested they go to their favourite milkshake bar for a chat and a milkshake. 'You can have your usual oreo sherbert Mol' . This bought a smallish smile to her face but not enough of a smile for her to know the old Molly was back. But usually a oreo sherbert would make things a little bit better.

They sat in the milkshake bar in an awkward silence.. Molly fiddling with the straw in her cup and Yazmin sat watching. 'Come on Mol whats up'. Suddenly she burst out crying. 'Its all wrong, Tom's chucked me I think I'm pregnant with his kid' .
'oh Mol' 'you taken a test been clinic or anything'

'There will be bad days, there will be good days, there will be really bad days, and really good days, and days that are not bad or good but just simply suck, but either way you got through it and you are here today and that is all that really matters''

Last edited by WhisperingSilence; December 30th 2014 at 12:54 AM.