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Re: My Rant About Science vs. Religion - April 15th 2009, 09:05 PM

Originally Posted by YourNightmare View Post
I haven't a clue what you're on about. What you do in your bed is none of my business, or at least it shouldn't be, so keep your bedtime fun to yourself.

That's the farthest thing from proof. You prayed to your invisible man, he supposedly (this is the key: SUPPOSEDLY) did his spooky magic and whatever it was you said came true, or something close to it came true. Is that proof? No. I could pray to get a good mark on my test or pray that I get laid and the next day, it happens. Proof? No, coincidence, yes. I suggest you look up the meaning of what proof is, as scientifically, it's not. "Religious proof", well, to me it's just making up something or having a random coincidence. If you call that proof, then might as well call asking a friend for him/her to do a favour and lo' and behold, it happens! Your friend may not be a god, however, it's just the same thing as you randomly slapping on the idea of proof.

No, you appear to have misunderstood what I said completely. When I said it falls apart, I meant the scientific aspect or perhaps the theory that you're analyzing with religion falls apart, or the aspect of religion falls apart. Your faith can stay the same, increase or decrease, that has nothing to do with it. It's the idea of the philosophical underpinnings of what constitutes "science" and what constitutes "religion" falls apart.

I didn't mean finding similarities. I meant you ANALYZE (hence, why I said that in the first post, not random playing around in your bed) science using religion or analyze religion using science. For example, theistic evolution. You take the scientific theory of evolution and you APPLY or ANALYZE it with a religion. When you do that, the theory of evolution it twisted to high hell so it's no longer scientific. Your religion may still be a religion but the theory of evolution has now "fallen apart" because you've distorted it (BTW, I'm not accusing you per say of doing this, it's just an example).

Likewise, I can apply the theory of evolution to how god supposedly made humans and earth in 7 days. Your faith in god can be the same or change, it doesn't really matter to what I'm saying.

The basic thing that I'm trying to say is analyzing a scientific paradigm via a religious paradigm or vice-versa. It's inevitable that you're going to distort it. What happens to your faith doesn't matter one bit.
Haha! I'm sorry, language barriere (sp?).

What I meant was:
Okay, so I don't really know an English word for this, but... It's at night - when you're all alone, all the thoughts come... Like, that's often the time of the day you feel the worst about yourself (at least for me, that is), you know, you're kinda stuck with yourself - and it seems that people judge themselves harder than they judge others.
So, if you don't want to think of all the bad stuff about yourself, you might try to think of something else.
And they say that your thought process is much better while laying (on the floor or in your bed, or...), so you might get brilliant ideas.
(I don't know if that made any sense, but if it didn't, ust ask again, and I'll find another way of explaining - although I don't think it's that interesting)

Proof might have been the wrong word. It was more something to hold on to if your faith is wearing weak.

So what you're saying is that if people believe in both science and religion, it all falls apart because you have to chose?

I'm not "twisting" anything, though...
'Cause, okay, let's go back to the big bang theory:
You know, people tell me that it's foolish to believe in God, 'cause, it's already been proved that God didn't create the Earth. But why couldn't God have created big bang? I just don't see why that can't be.
The Bible doesn't say that God didn't, and science doesn't say that God wasn't the power behind it.

7 days? How did I twist that? Tell me, because, the Bible says that one day to God isn't one day to us.

If I understood what you meant, you were afraid that we would start bending what the Bible said so that it would fit with science (and vice-versa), and by that create something that was neither religion (well, it might make a new religion) nor science?
- But that's not what I'm trying to do. And I cannot say: That's what happend, because that's right in between science and what the Bible say, because I wouldn't know. I could guess, but it wouldn't be something that I would protect with every penny I had, you know?
It's mostly about... I don't know, things to make us smile.
- I know this doesn't really have much to do with it, but in my youth club, if you want to, you can write something called an "andakt" (I didn't find any English words for it, but it's like a mini-sermon, often more personal) and "perform" it. A friend of mine wrote one about when Jesus silenced the storm. She talked about how Jesus was all calm while the other people on the boat were terrified. Jesus asked them how little faith they had and with only his two arms silenced the storm. She said that this is kind of how it is to us now, that if we ask for His help, he'll silence the storms in our hearts.
I know this isn't the same thing, but this is more like what I meant.

I hope I didn't cause any confusion with this post.

Sometimes we build up walls not to keep people out but to see who cares enough to bring them down...