Thread: Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Screaming thread.
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Re: Screaming thread. - December 12th 2014, 05:27 AM

Why is it so fucking cold??? All the fucking time. Fuck. And why am I fucking saying all these "bad" words. I dont fucking know what happened. Oh, wait... Maybe because I havent fucking slept in the past fucking three weeks. hmm. good explanation. Fuck you too asshole. Why am I the one having to not sleep and deal with these nightmares when you were the jerk that violated my body. Really. Couldnt it be the opposite where your guilty conscious wouldnt let you sleep at night? But noooo, you think its fine and everythings okay. That after a God damn ten years, I should just forget about it. Hell no. Think again asshole. Thats a complete bitch move. Fucking shit. Its almost 2 am and i'm still awake. My mind cant stop replaying it all. . . So scared... shit. I'm so messed up.

"If I could just unzip my skin, step out of this body, then I would see who I really am.” -Wintergirls

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