Thread: Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Screaming thread.
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Re: Screaming thread. - December 12th 2014, 01:27 AM

- I studied for fourteen hours. Sixteen. Hours. In two days, preparing for this exam. I looked over that review guide closely, again and again. I spent three hours alone going through the entire semester's worth of notes to highlight what was on the review, then typing up the stuff that wasn't already in my notes. I poured over my textbook and my notes. I spent my date night studying; my girlfriend quizzed me for four hours straight over twelve chapters' worth of content. My tension headache came back from the combination of too much reading and stress. The headache might interfere with my plans for the weekend if it doesn't go away by tomorrow.

So I get to the testing center today. I get that exam, confident that I did the best I could with my studying. "I've got this," I told myself...
And then I get the exam. And I quickly realize that I am so woefully unprepared, because over half the content of that exam was not in the final exam review.

I have a pretty damn good memory. I think that's the only thing that got me a B instead of a C. And thankfully I should still get an A in the class. But I am pissed. Your review was incredibly misleading, and I am deeply upset by this. I will definitely be writing a review about your class online.

- You're telling me you really don't understand why that question might upset me? Really? You can't think of a single reason why my feelings might be hurt by that? I'm not stupid. I know you mean well. But there's a way to approach things that isn't going to put me on edge. And when you say it the way you did it just makes me think you think so low of me in so many ways.

Last edited by DeletedAccount71; December 12th 2014 at 01:53 AM.
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