First, I would start with a test if possible. Without an exact time frame and what state you are in, the laws differ. The cost will also differ too but I think it usually is a lot more than just 200. Do they work with payment plans? I don't know. Some may consider a sliding scale. A lot of planned parenthood sites do not provide abortion onsite and instead pair with another clinic to provide services.
Sometimes mental health can come into the picture. Some providers have done an abortion based on the mother's mental health but it is not common.
The conservative perspective (which sounds like an oxymoron, since I said conservatice) of Date of Viability is 24 weeks or six months. The earliest baby was born at 5 months, 1 week (or 21 weeks, 5 days) but that doesn't mean that's the latest point in which you can have an abortion. You can have one up to 23 weeks, otherwise you will have to wait it out. Have the OB/GYN ask routine questions, don't try to figure out conception yourself. They've studied for this stuff, and with the proper testing and scanning, they can tell you how far along you are... and whether or not you can have an abortion.
A baby born at 21 weeks isn't the same as a baby born full-term. Suggesting that it is unfair to the women. One reason why the US's infant mortality rate is so high is that they include very early preemies that survive for even a day into the vital statistics whereas other countries will not include them because it'll bump the infant death rate higher. Any baby born at 21 weeks would be in an intensive care unit possibly on a vent with an ng tube down to provide it with milk. Then there is increased risk for internal organ complications and infection. It's not a pretty picture. Any baby born early is at risk for developmental complications.