Re: Most likely pregnant... Really scared -
December 2nd 2014, 07:02 PM
I am really sorry to hear that you are so scared and struggling so much.
First things first - Have you taken a pregnancy test? You need to do this first. Your body can actually shut down certain functions (especially your period) under cases of extreme stress, which could be happening here, because your body says "ok, you cannot have a baby right now" so it stops ovulating - you might not be pregnant. You need to confirm that you are, in fact, pregnant, before you make a decision.
Next, I want to know how many weeks it has been since your last period (or months) - 1 month, 2, 3? In Canada, you can get an abortion at any point during the pregnancy - however, most doctors are unwilling to perform one after 12 weeks because by then the fetus is to developed, and will only perform an abortion if it is a matter of life and death. If you are to far along, it might be to late to reasonably get an abortion.
However, there are services that can help you - Planned Parenthood can help with the procedure if need be, they might be able to help pay or set up some kind of credit system in which you can pay them back in amounts that work for you.
If you keep the baby, you can get adoption. There are counselling services that can help you with your mental stability and there are places you can go if your parents cut you out. Finally, many adoption services can help you out if you are in such a dire case that you are homeless, (ex. finding you a safe, stable place to live)
Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions 