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Name: Lizzie
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Re: Most likely pregnant... Really scared -
December 1st 2014, 02:55 PM
I think you need to try to mentally prepare yourself for the fact that you may be too far along for an abortion. Every place is different, but if you are months along there is a strong possibility you have missed the window to terminate the pregnancy. I'm not saying this to upset you, but to inform you so that you can start thinking about an alternative plan such as adoption. The center that you will see will be able to go over your opitions with you. Just because you don't get an abortion does not mean you have to parent the child. There are many couples out there looking to adopt a baby. So please don't feel like abortion is the only opition or you will hurt yourself. Because I am concerned about how far along you are. Also, with adoptions, the couple getting the baby will pay your medical expenses. So you don't need to worry about that.
Let us know how your appointment goes. And feel free to PM me if you ever need to talk.
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