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Ideas on how to help my girlfriend mature? - November 25th 2014, 07:50 PM

We're both 18, been going out for about two years now. We've had many problems but it seems we've overcome them all so far.

But anywho, she's adorable. Part of this adorableness stems from her being so...child-like. I mean, in terms of being responsible and all she's a normal 18 year old, she's independent enough and all. Buuutttt when it comes to relationships and this relationship, she's very...immature in a way.

For example, she doesn't like to make out. For the longest time she wouldn't tell me why, but when we were talking recently and she was in a flirty mood she told me it's because she enjoys it a bit too much and it feels wrong to her that she should be enjoying a physical, sexual action that much.
Even if we cuddle and, you know, my hands start wandering a bit, she won't have any of it because even though she enjoys it in one way, she really doesn't in another way. She's the kind of person that has never seen porn in her life, and doesn't want to. In fact, I only explained sex to her a few months back, as before that she didn't know anything apart from what the science lessons in reproduction had taught us (penis goes in the vagina, basically).
I guess this kind of maturity comes with age, right? But it just seems like she's a bit behind...and I sometimes can get quite frustrated by it. I understand not wanting to have sex until we're married, and to an extent, I even agree with that. But we're 18...surely some fooling around would be normal, expected even? We do kiss, but it's usually just a kiss on the lips as a goodbye, unless she's feeling flirty, in which case sometimes we'll kiss a couple more times, but for not longer than half a second per kiss, so as not to get drawn in, if that makes sense.

I've talked to her about this and while it's not a relationship-breaking issue, I think if she got over this barrier the relationship would be less frustrating and happier. But she doesn't know how to change and doesn't know how long it will take her to change.

So here I am, asking you gals and guys for advice. Any ideas about how I can help her overcome this and start enjoying sexual contact? Or do I just have to wait for her to mature more? How long do you think it will take for her to mature? Thanks in advance for replies