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LlamaLlamaDuck Offline
Llama Lover/Skittle Minion
Jeez, get a life!
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Name: Louise
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Re: Best razors for self harm - November 25th 2014, 05:51 PM

Hi there.

I know you said that telling you to stop won't work, and you're absolutely right. No one can make you stop if you're not ready. You need to want to recover in order to do so successfully.
I do want you to know that TeenHelp is here for you, though. Have you seen our Alternatives thread? There are some great ideas on there provided by many users on things you can try instead of self harm. Some of them, like holding ice in your hand, can be painful or uncomfortable, but don't actually cause you any harm. You can still get the sensations of self harm without harming yourself. A lot of people find these techniques really helpful!

I know it can be difficult to open up about your self harm, but I encourage you to do so to an adult or friend if you can. It's good to have a strong support network in your real life if you can, that way you have somewhere to turn when things get difficult. If you take a look at our Resources page there are some good sites there with information and coping strategies for self harm. There are also some good places to call on our Hotlines page if you want to speak to someone anonymously.
There are also services here on TeenHelp like HelpLINK, Live Help and the Chat Room. If you take a look at our Get Advice page, it can help you determine which is the best option for you.

I want you to know that TeenHelp exists to provide support to users who are struggling with a range of issues, and to help them into and through their recovery. We do not give advice that could be harmful and we don't give users ideas that could be harmful to them. Any responses to your thread could provide this kind of information that we don't allow.
The TeenHelp Code of Conduct states:
TeenHelp encourages positive, safe, recovery-focused choices and will not tolerate advice that encourages harmful behaviour.
Users should not post content anywhere on TeenHelp that may be upsetting beyond what other users may normally expect to encounter in their day-to-day lives. In particular, 'triggering' content, which is defined as any content that might cause a user to want to perform unhealthy or dangerous behaviours, should not be posted on TeenHelp.
Such inappropriate content might include, but is not limited to, explicit descriptions (beyond what is needed to receive advice) or images of:
Self-mutilation or violence
Any response to your thread could easily be in violation of our Mature and Sensitive Content Policy that I linked above so I'm going to close your thread to avoid this happening.

Please do reach out, whether it be here, to someone in your real life or through one of the hotlines or resources I linked to. We're here and we're not going to give up on you.

Take care,


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