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Re: How come eating disorder are portrayed as a quick and easy death? -
November 10th 2014, 08:44 PM
Hey to Teenhelp
Anyways Eating disorders can affect anyone weather they are young, or old, under weight, regular weight, over weight, or obese. My friend knows people who have died young because of there eating disorder and I know people who are old and have an eating disorder and are just starting to recover from it. I am 23 years old and have EDNOS and I have had it since I was 15. I have three ED behaviors all in one: I restrict, purge, and binge. Ive never had complications because of my eating disorder but that doesn't mean I never will. It all depends.
There are studies and stuff that say Genetics play a part in eating disorders. Take my family for instance. My grandma is an emotional eater, my mom is a weird eater she won't eat till like 2 or so. My sister eats everything and anything and is obese. I have EDNOS. So all the woman in my family have some type of issue with food.
I'm glad that you have realized people are wrong about your weight and that you aren't fat and are embracing the way you look. Good for you.