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Name: Sarah
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - November 9th 2014, 06:05 PM

Your views on suicide are shocking. 'He left his little girl behind'. No. No and no. Just because they found him like that doesn't mean HE committed suicide. Doesn't mean he purposely left his daughter behind either. Why people like you have this skewed idea that suicide is a selfish act I don't know. It could be akin to saying the person who didn't bother to notice how much pain that person was going through is selfish too. Your lack of knowledge on the subject is amazing. Is that what you thought about with me? Of course you did. You already told me. Hurr selfish. No. Maybe if you had paid more damned attention you'd know that it's not so black and white, that there really is a grey in between and that it's not as selfish as you make it out to be.

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