So something completely new to me happened tonight.
I got a call from her, she's at a friends house, ands she's still drunk, but they're apparently all going to bed now. About 10 minutes ago, she rang me up, I've spoken to her on the phone 12 times, but this one hit me. I told her I was bipolar, or supposedly, I want to get myself checked out, but she rings me and tells me she loves me over and over and over, and she started to cry and I did have a shakey voice...but that was the first time I've heard her cry, and I'm choking up as I write this, but I've never had a moment like that. I'm not an easily convinced person, but I think tonight convinced me, and I love her so much, we were just on the phone for 20 minutes saying we love each other and ill never leave and I'll always be there. Of course, it could of been the alcohol :/
Her friend who I just happen to hate took her blade away. I'm glad he did so. I love her so much and I feel pain

I feel her pain....
I said to her 'I love you, and I want you forever
I need to keep my game up, so I can hold her forever