Re: Just found out girlfriend smoked pot- please help -
October 27th 2014, 05:17 PM
As for the drinking, I'd worry. Marijuana, however, not so much. I smoke pot myself and it actually does me alot of good, though, like everything it's best done in moderation. I think you should do some research into pot before you draw any conclusions. I find that two joints a day is an acceptable limit, but if it interferes with work in a negative way, it's a problem. I run a talent agency and most of my musicians smoke it, but, as I tell them, everything in moderation. Pot in moderation helps with cognitive and emotional functioning, among other things, but when you use too much, it hinders you in these areas.
"And will I tell you that these three lived happily ever after? I will not, for no one ever does. But there was happiness. And they did live." - Stephen King
never's the word God listens for when he needs a laugh.- Stephen King
Battles that last five minutes spawn legends that live a thousand years.
Stephen King, The Dark Tower (The Dark Tower, #7)