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Re: How do I get my boyfriend to stop cutting? - October 22nd 2014, 05:05 AM

Hi there!

I have moved this over to the Self Harm forum because it seems more appropriate there.

I first want to say that it is amazing you have been supportive of your boyfriend! I think that the biggest thing you can do for him is let him know how much you care about him. Be there for him, not only for support but just in general, spend time with him and lift his spirits, and let him know he can talk to you whenever. You can't force him to talk, but it will feel nice that he has somewhere to turn.

This is a list of other people who can help, and this is a list of hotlines, so perhaps you can even suggest some of the people and hotlines on this list so he has places to go. He definitely doesn't deserve to go through this alone!

Does his school have a gay-straight alliance or similar program? It may be useful if he joins it, because that way he will get unbiased support from other people who have been in his shoes before.Remind him how even though his mom may not have been supportive, there will be people out there that will.

Things like self harm and drugs do not actually help. They make the problems worse when you have to worry about an overdose, people finding out, or the risk of infection. Plus, the problems come back because you aren't solving them. Perhaps you can suggest an alternative to him? Even if some don't work for him, a few are bound to! They are healthier, safer ways to cope so he can start breaking the addictions of self harm and substances.

Again, the best thing you can do is let him know how much you care.

I hope all goes well for both of you!


Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive