Re: Best friend vs boyfriend -
October 9th 2014, 04:31 PM
I think that this is a complicated situation because it is difficult to be close to an ex, especially while you are young. I think that I can understand why your ex girlfriend would be upset by your talking to a lot of people; people will talk, and if a bunch of people are hearing about different facets of this problem, then they might speculate, and bam, you get your rumours. I know it sucks, cause you want to get advice from people, but in my experience it is usually better to limit who you want to talk to when it is a sensitive topic (ex. break ups, sex, money, religion, politics, etc.) , like just close friends or something.
Any ways, I think it is good that she was honest about the cheating and that her and the boyfriend are trying to work it out. I don't think she should have to choose between you and him, but she if she wants to save her relationship it might mean that she can't be around you as intimately for a while. It doesn't mean you guys can't be friends though - just that maybe you guys need to be more sensitive about his feelings. If you guys cheated then he DOES have a right to be upset and a little concerned about you and if he isn't completely freaking out about you and trying to hit you I think that this is a significant improvement over how a lot of other young men will react. Of course, I have no tolerance for jealousy in a relationship, just that I can understand, given the circumstances, why this might be a problem, and why you might need to give them a break if they want to work things out. Just make it clear to her that you guys are friends no matter what, but that you understand if she needs to take some space to figure things out.
Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions 