Thank you! Thank you all. I don't know whether she has gotten rid of her blades completely, or she has moved the location of them...luge first and hopefully last time I'll see them was at her nan's house in a small box, I didn't take them off of her, it's at the point where it's almost taking her oxygen away :/ as blunt as it sounds. She has blades of hers dotted around her area in different locations, one I know by a lake, but thankfully, a friend of hers, threw them into the lake

I know she has used a utility knife which has been taken away from her, hair grips so that she wouldn't go deep and I assume she has some how acquired shaving blades.
Last night she went through an urge, we're talking about it now. She says if she did have something, she wouldn't of padded it, I'm assuming that she places paper or something over it so that the cut isn't deep? I don't know :/
I've proposed an idea, if she draws a animal on her arm each day she doesn't self harm, she might just beat it for a couple of days. If she cuts, the animal dies and she has to change the animal and start again. Could this help?
I've told her ill be there though anything, I'm not gonna let her slip away, and I'm getting pretty emotional now, because I know she's still in pain. I'm the sort who wants to scream the the heavens 'why have you done this to my baby girl?' And I don't believe in god, but Emma is my angel....