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Re: My Parents aren't NORMAL parents, and They're driving me INSANE! - September 22nd 2014, 01:18 AM

Thank you all so much for coming to this post and replying! The help you're offering means a lot to me, especially since I'm slowly running out of possible options...

Unfortunately, I live in NY, which has a ton of laws that just make no plain sense to me, like Emancipation, and it seems that it doesn't require a Lawsuit. This would seem a problem, because that means there's nobody to tell my parents, "Hey, your son's not under your control anymore, he doesn't have to listen to you!" Not only that, but even if they let me, they still have a ton of influence over my life, such as they are required in the process of getting a Driver's License, setting up Bank Accounts, getting Working Papers, Ect.

This is extremely problematic, as I want to sever all communications with them, but to do that would mean I can;t start working until I'm 18. PLUS, they'd probably keep all the money they had in a bank account they made for my college fund, which is Birthday and Holiday Checks, from what I know about it. Even bigger problem, I'm not sure if NYS gives Emancipation funding for Minors, and I don't know if my friends would let me stay with them. I'm already starting Junior year, so It'd be 2 years of me staying, but they'd probably be hesitant about it. I'd also like to stay somewhere near my school, as it would make getting through these next few years easier. I also take 2 different Medications for Focus and anger management. (Even though BOTH do pisspoor jobs of enhancing BOTH, I get a Nasty Headache from not taking it and my head feels as if it's drowning in thoughts, too!)

I'm not sure if getting a Restraining Order would be a possibility, as I read somewhere that Minors cannot access Lawsuits, but I;m not sure that's true...

As for my Parents, It's gotten to the point where I feel more wanted at Friend's House then my actual house. Just today, I came home from a Friend's house after staying the night to work on a Movie Review, and my mood went from being relaxed and generally good-feeling to Pissed, Annoyed, and sad, All because I went home. I don't know if I could convince them to go for adoption, as they seem to resent me, But they probably won't listen to My therapist telling them that what they're doing is mentally killing me. Same for trying to explain things on my end. "I'm in the wrong" they'd say, and "I'm the major cause of these problems". It's just and endless nightmare of Stupidity, Illogical-ness, Immaturity, and Bad parenting.

Oh, and my mother apparently seems to think that my chances of going to Britain and going to a College there a re pretty slim, because my dad decided to give me a college lecture (Even though I've been researching since 7th Grade!), she decided to discourage me frmm going by calling my dreams for my life "Fantasies" and such. I realsied later that I DID want to make backup plans, but she turned the whole night a shitfest because NOT ONLY did she decide to vent her unexplainable anger on me that night, but she also decided that it would apply to my future plans and me LOCKING MY SHOWER DOOR, as I got so upset I was ranting to myself in the shower, and she ran upstairs in anger, made me OPEN the door, then WATCHED ME in the shower, along with my dad, (oh, get this, PRIVACY is a Privilege to them!) and then threw on the "Law-Can't-Touch-Me" Act when I told her I could press charges for watching! (Might have been a little far-fetched, I was pretty upset and she was making it worse, but it's still not right!)

Long story short, NYS has Child Ownership laws of Slaves, and my Parents are literally driving me out. But I hope this info helps further!