Well first thing I understand your struggle as I also suffer from those same illnesses so I hope I can be of help. You are worth the time you are just as human as any else just with a mental illness. Far as your boyfriend goes I think you are probably just used to people treating you like you can't handle yourself because of your disorders and he is different because he doesn't treat you like a baby, but if he calls you a baby and says he is gone to leave you because of your anxiety he is probably not worth the time. When you have serious illnesses you need people who will support you and help in any way possible. The last thing is that you said you have meds for bipolar but don't take them. I understand the zombie like side effects that comes with psych meds, but you probably shouldn't go off your medicine with out talking to your doctor. You might have to keep trying different medications to find the right one for you. I really hope that this helps you in some kind of way. Just remember that you are not a burden on any one.
~ "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference." ~