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ElectricWizard Offline
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Thumbs down Re: My girlfriend self harms - September 19th 2014, 05:02 PM

Yeah, this is defiantly a crucial point, it took me until lunch time to build the confidence to talk to her, as she pushed me away yesterday, actually told me to leave her alone. And at lunch, there was no actual deep, motivational talk. We made up. But I made sure she's ok, and I believe her, even though I may be wrong. I'm luckily seeing her tomorrow and I'm really thankful for it. I sent her a letter. My writing wasn't the best, and I didn't read it over and in actually stressing over what I put, because that letter was my thoughts and I've never opened up to her like this before. All I remember is 'you're beautiful' 'all this isn't your fault' and 'I love you'

Because it isn't her fault she's like this, it's the world, it's cruel to some and I can't lose is imperative that I fight for her, and although, there will be pain, I will help her, support her, in ruthless now, I'll stop at nothing. Lets do this...