Originally Posted by Lillywho?
It's not analyzing, it's just random things you come across or think about before falling asleep at night 
I haven't a clue what you're on about. What you do in your bed is none of my business, or at least it shouldn't be, so keep your bedtime fun to yourself.
Originally Posted by Lillywho?
It's like... In my church we use testimonials (is that the right word?).
So, if we want to, we get up and tell a story where something we prayed for happened (although I have written an "andakt" - didn't find the English word, but it's like a mini sermon - about unanswered prayers).
It's kind of the same thing.
- Proof.
That's the farthest thing from proof. You prayed to your invisible man, he supposedly (this is the key: SUPPOSEDLY) did his spooky magic and whatever it was you said came true, or something close to it came true. Is that proof? No. I could pray to get a good mark on my test or pray that I get laid and the next day, it happens. Proof? No, coincidence, yes. I suggest you look up the meaning of what proof is, as scientifically, it's not. "Religious proof", well, to me it's just making up something or having a random coincidence. If you call that proof, then might as well call asking a friend for him/her to do a favour and lo' and behold, it happens! Your friend may not be a god, however, it's just the same thing as you randomly slapping on the idea of proof.
Originally Posted by Lillywho?
And by the way: What falls apart?
Our faith? Will that "fall apart" if we find similarities between the Bible and science?
Will we not have Jesus in our hearts because of it?
No, you appear to have misunderstood what I said completely. When I said it falls apart, I meant the scientific aspect or perhaps the theory that you're analyzing with religion falls apart, or the aspect of religion falls apart. Your faith can stay the same, increase or decrease, that has nothing to do with it. It's the idea of the philosophical underpinnings of what constitutes "science" and what constitutes "religion" falls apart.
I didn't mean finding similarities. I meant you ANALYZE (hence, why I said that in the first post, not random playing around in your bed) science using religion or analyze religion using science. For example, theistic evolution. You take the scientific theory of evolution and you APPLY or ANALYZE it with a religion. When you do that, the theory of evolution it twisted to high hell so it's no longer scientific. Your religion may still be a religion but the theory of evolution has now "fallen apart" because you've distorted it (BTW, I'm not accusing you per say of doing this, it's just an example).
Likewise, I can apply the theory of evolution to how god supposedly made humans and earth in 7 days. Your faith in god can be the same or change, it doesn't really matter to what I'm saying.
The basic thing that I'm trying to say is analyzing a scientific paradigm via a religious paradigm or vice-versa. It's inevitable that you're going to distort it. What happens to your faith doesn't matter one bit.