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ElectricWizard Offline
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Re: My girlfriend self harms - September 14th 2014, 10:08 AM

I'm sorry for the dig at anti depressants.

So much is happening, and the relationship is failing, I'm trying so hard, I'm completely drained of my resources, nothing left for her in me. What do i do?

It's amazing how after I created this thread, It only got worse, there were times of happiness, times of laughter. But now I've lost my baby girl, she wants a break, thinks I should stay away from her. How can I? I know some day she'll have a beautiful life. I'm so lost, she could be doing anything, she worries about bringing me down, but when she leaves me alone like that, it really does. I have to stay strong, but what can I do, if there is nothing else to do?

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