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Is online dating stupid? - September 12th 2014, 07:27 PM

I was on another website and I sort of had a mini rant over my experience with online dating and the responses I got were "You shouldn't actively seek out romance you should let it find you." Now, I am a firm believer in this but at the same time I don't really get out there in the world. I am super shy and the volunteering I do doesn't enable me to meet a lot of people. I am around people but the way it is set up doesn't really allow me to make friends or hasn't yet. Maybe I could take some initiative and ask for phone numbers but I don't get comfortable enough with the people I work with over the 6 week period, once a week, to do so.

My dad is the one who suggested online dating. He said it would be a good way for me to put myself out there. I didn't take him too seriously at first but then I asked my best friend about it and he said with how shy I am and the barrier I put up with people it might be a good way to meet people. So, I gave it a shot and I haven't been having the best experience. One guy turned out to be weird, one guy completely ditched me and this last guy...IDK what happened. Everything seemed fine and then he went AWOL.

But, my point is, is it wrong to be seeking it out? Should I just let it come to me? Or, is it good that I am putting myself out there? My dad says it is a good thing and with time I will find what I am looking for. I am doubting that but that is a whole other post. I just wonder if I am going about this the wrong way. I don't really know. I've met people who have done online dating and it worked for them. My best friend found his boyfriend on an online site. My dad found his partner on an online site. It does work for people but by looking for it am I seeking out trouble? Is it better to just let whatever happens happen?

I don't really know. I don't feel 100% comfortable having myself online. I will totally admit that but I don't know how else to try and meet people. I am not social. The only social event I go to is karaoke on thursdays and occasional saturdays and there isn't much to pick from there. This seems like the only way to get myself out there but after those comments made on that other website I feel like maybe I am seeming desperate or something?

Idk what I am looking for in posting this. I just needed a place to vent about this.