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Re: I go to a Christian school... - September 11th 2014, 01:10 AM

I mean I have always been told that when God gives us major challenges, whether it be the death of someone we love, or sickness or injury or anything of the sort, he is testing our faith. I mean. I have also been taught that God loves us and when these things happen, he is introducing them because they will make us better human beings and better Christians and Muslims. We will never know the reason why God chose your father, he was obviously needed somewhere else, and I am sincerely sorry for your loss, and also the experience leading up to it.

But sweetie, the most intriguing question and the question that will lead to some degree of recovery is "why did God choose me?" God didn't choose you because you were sinful and he wanted to take something from you which you loved, he chose you because the experience, the strength of emotion and the strength of faith will make you a better Christian and a far stronger human being, that's worth sticking around for.

One more thing, I don't know whether you have taken some consideration of placing her on report with your school, but maybe that is something you might want to take up with your school. I mean if that is her actual belief, then that is fine but if she said that deliberately as an attack or a bullying method on you, that is very serious and needs to be addressed, so maybe have a little think about that.

God Bless,
