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Re: Social Anxiety and Working...? - August 31st 2014, 11:24 PM

Hey Paige,

Do not worry about the length of your post; we want to listen and help as best as we can and no one minds how many words it takes you to vent out everything.
You mentioned you were home-schooled. I am wondering, did you participate in any groups with other children outside of being home-schooled often? If not, you could get anxious do to your lack of interactions with people your own age/social situations in general.
I agree that it could help you to see a counselor for this. They can help you learn breathing techniques you can use to cope if you get anxious as well as other coping mechanisms. It can also help you to have a counselor at this time of transitoin in your life. You can tlak to them about finding a job and the struggles associated with that/how it connects to your anxiety. Maybe the counselor can help you brainstorm ideas about how you can get a job and how you can keep the job. You can discuss how tot talk to your employer and what techniques of teaching you would be best (for instance if having someone one-on-one or being taught in a group).
I am unsure what your thoughts on this are but have you ever considered applying for assistance from the government (food stamps, money for housing and medical support etc.)? I am not saying this as a long-term solution to what you are going through but the assistance could be useful if your dad is going to kick you out, you have car insurance and you need to pay for housing, food and get help for your anxiety. Just something to think about. If what I said above is in anyway offensive, I do not mean to be, I just think it may help you to have that extra support since you are unemployed currently (I know that suggesting this as an option can offend some people).
I hope this helps.
Take care and you can message me.

"i don't care your intentions. I just want you to know my self-hatred never took me where I wanted to go. At the end of the day...I can pick at the pain but I can't cut it away."
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