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Re: My friend is pregnant, a bit confused - August 23rd 2014, 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by Ryanviola View Post
If she wants the baby then she must be out of school. And nuture her baby.
If she decides to keep the baby she doesn't have to stay out of school. It would probably be more beneficial for her and her baby's future if she did what she could to stay in school and continue her education. The fact is that things in her life are going to change but hopefully she will have the support of her parents and they will be able to make this work. She might have to go one homeschooling or do online school for a while. But, if she has the proper support she can make this work. It isn't going to be easy so the best thing you can do is try and support her if you can. Hopefully everything will turn out alright in the end.