Thread: Triggering: Complaint of the day
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Re: Complaint of the day - August 21st 2014, 01:35 AM

Omygod okay, my ex boyfriend Patrick, his ex girlfriend who he cheated on me with Amanda, and his new girlfriend who he's gonna cheat on and who's 5 years younger than him Tori... are having this stupid fight on facebook and I'm literally like laughing and crying at the same time because he stands up for his twinkie of a girlfriend and I hate it.
I can't concentrate in choir or in English class because I can't stop staring at Matthew and daydreaming my tiny butt off.
Also did I mention I've severely triggered all of thee time now? Like I can't go an hour without getting anxious and needing a knife. I don't even know.
Some girls are going to be using the school's recording equipment and when I say school's I mean its my baby its mine get away mine. They mess anything up and I swear I'm shooting someone.
I have a stomach ache and I have all of this anger and I don't know.