Originally Posted by fat_santa_123
Ok. So i have HUGE anxiety, especially when it comes to talking to my boyfriend. He knows i have anxiety but he doesnt know how bad it is. We text all the time but if we play out or see eachother at school we kinda have a one sided convostation (mostly him talking) i always get so nervous and have mini panic attacks because i feel like hes gonna think im wierd or creepy even though deep down i know he wont. I am really shy so i havent been able to talk to anyone about it and i really need help xx
Well, my recomendation is hang out at one of your houses and just dive in. NO NOT THAT I mean like just do it all at once.... NO NOT THAT EITHER!! I mean snuggle 'n' kiss and all that stuff... NO NOT THAT STUFF! but in all seriousness just work up the courage to get close to him and the conversation stuff will jsut work itself out. Not sure if it's different for girls as I never had the issue, but it's how my Ex got over his issues with anxiety.