Re: so im 3 4 me -
August 17th 2014, 07:27 PM
Being a young mom is hard. I only have one and I am completely exhausted at the end of the day. You are a super hero to have two and one on the way! I am so proud of you, I know how hard you must be working.
I can completely relate with receiving unwanted parenting advice. There is always going to be a critic, you just have to ignore them. People parent there children in so many different ways. There isn't just one right way to parent a child. You just need to smile and say thank you and walk away. No need to take their advice.
Why do they feel that this pregnancy is at a higher risk than the others? Have they discussed this with you? You should be getting all of the facts.
You should talk to your doctor about your morning sickness. It can really take a toll on your body both physically and mentally. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water to keep hydrated. I ended up in the hospital twice before I was even fourteen weeks pregnant because my morning sickness was so bad I couldn't even drink water. That's not good for you or the baby.
I ended up going on unisom at night and taking vitamin b6 in the morning. That helped a bit. Something to talk to your doctor about.
Hang in there! There are plenty of other moms around on the site to help out. Just let us know. <3
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