Re: My friend is pregnant, a bit confused -
August 7th 2014, 06:54 PM
I know a number of girls who had babies at a age that many would consider "too young" and it worked out for the even if it didn't work out at the "normal" pace expected.
There are a number of choices for her depending on her boyfriend (or lack of) and her parents ability to support her (or inability), for example, she might opt to keep going to school if someone can care for the baby such as a parent or day care (I had a friend who did that) but chances are she'll still miss some school initially and will probably make arrangements with the teachers to get her work at home and have tutors and such.
She might also decide to give the baby up for adoption
There are so many factors which determine what will happen to her.
But no matter what this will not be an easy choice for her and it will affect her in some really big way. So if she is a good friend just try to be supportive. If she is the first friend of yours to get pregant I can understand why this would be confusing for you.
Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions 