Boyfriend fingered me, need help ASAP -
August 2nd 2014, 03:07 AM
My boyfriend decided he wanted to finger me. I let him, normally whenever i do it myself I just use two or three and I have small fingers, pianist fingers is what everyone tells me. He was us in 3-4 and his are bigger than mine. I bled, a lot, more than him just scratching me, it got uncomfortable and not pleasurable for me so I had him stop. It's been about 4 days, and I wuit bleeding that night but it kind of hurts to pee, an if im at the wrong angle it hurts. I owed a lot today and it's constantly there, it feels kinda like if you have to stop peeing in the middle of peeing. Did he partially tear my hymen? Will it get better? I don't want my parents to know... im 17