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Re: I am being bullied on a texting application for the littlest of very minor reasons, and I feel like I am a bad person - June 3rd 2014, 11:43 AM

It's really not right that thy are going to say that they want friends and then go off and block you. It's not right that nobody is going to accept you, because from what I see, you are not doing anything wrong. Block any bullies that you see, and maybe try sites and services that are more moderated, because that way you are less likely to encounter any type of bullying (especially if it's an accepting site like TH). Also, if you got somewhere moderated, if you ARE bullied, you can report it and it will be quickly taken care of so you don't have to deal with it anymore.

I know it may not seem it now, but there WILL be people out there that love and care about you. You just haven't found the right person, but they are out there!

I totally know how you feel about a teacher passing away. My teacher passed away in July and it was really hard on me. Remember that this teacher wouldn't want you to feel sad. Your teacher would want you to do really good for them, they would want you to try your hardest and never give up.

Perhaps you can join some clubs and social groups in school or around town. That way at least the people you'll be talking to will have a common interest, and maybe that'll help?

These things DO NOT make you a bad person though. You can't help your age, gender, or race. None of that is in your control, and why should you be hated or deemed a bad person for things that aren't even in your control?

Self harm won't help this though. It won't make any of your problems go away. It just ends up making them worse when you have to worry about people seeing them and commenting, or the risk of infection. Then you still have the problems. I really recommend trying to find another adult such as a teacher or guidance counselor and speaking to them.


Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive