Thread: Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Group work urgh
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Gingerbread Latte Offline
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Jeez, get a life!
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Group work urgh - May 30th 2014, 02:50 PM

Stupid fucking group work.

So we had some group work to do at university and at the end of it we all get the same grade for the group project BUT to try and make things fair every member in the group gets to anonymously grade the other group members in order to make sure people who didn't pull their weight don't get better grades than they deserve.

This was all fine until I happened to get put in a group of 5 with 4 people who're already friends with each other...

I was really worried they'd mark me down because they dislike me so I tried my hardest to work well in the group despite having social anxiety. I like to think I'm fairly objective at marking my own work (we had to give ourselves anonymous marks too) and out of the group I think I was 3rd in terms of how hard I worked, higher than the guy who just pissed about a lot and the girl who barely said ANYTHING during group meetings.

Got the grades back to find out I've been ranked last in the groups so only given a C grade. It's just annoying because I KNOW I was better than a C. I got all the work done they asked of me on time, attended all but one of the meetings because it was scheduled short notice and I actively tried to contribute to the meetings and gave feedback on people's work. Unfortunately, giving feedback was probably what made them dislike me since NOBODY else would speak up if someone did something wrong so I was always the one who had to be the bitch of the group and point out where someone went wrong.

This is why I fucking hate people and I fucking hate group work.