Thread: Work opporunity
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Work opporunity - May 23rd 2014, 01:14 PM

Last Thursday when I'd spoken to my job adviser, he'd managed to get me an interview with someone to see if they'd take me on for retail work experience and since this time I've been trying to prepare in between home commitments which has meant my time here has been a bit less than usual. Yesterday when I had an interview, I successfully managed to get the place.

I've been in retail-like environments before but never a busy one and never as fast-paced as this one is going to be and I'll be doing it for 25 hours, 5 days a week for the next 4 weeks. I hope it's ok, but just for the next coming week while I settle into my new placement I may not be around much.

I'm really hoping that this placement will work out because if I do well enough, there's a chance that I can get called back and actually work there as a paid employee.