Thread: anxiety help
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MsNobleEleanor Offline
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Re: anxiety help - May 20th 2014, 09:19 PM

Hey there!

Our bodies do weird things, sometimes they aren't explained or understood. However, you seen 5 different doctors who all say it's anxiety the chances are it's anxiety. Anxiety can create some very confusing and challenging thoughts and fears because it can take over our minds and body.

Anxiety is caused by fear of something. A lot of people don't have the racing heart but it can come out in anything. For instance, feeling strange sensations all over your body. It could come out as headaches, dizzy, tired, clammy hands, etc., and a lot of people experience anxiety. Anxiety doesn't just happen in kids and teenagers, it happens to adults, elderly, animals, etc., so your not alone.

Have you thoughts about seeing a counselor or social worker? They can help you understand more about your anxiety, ways to handle and control it, what things you can do to prevent an anxiety build up. They can explore with you what things do causes you to have anxiety (like triggers). You could also go back to your family doctor or nurse and talk about counseling with them for your anxiety.

Take Care.

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