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Name: matt (matthew)
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Exclamation anxiety problems - May 19th 2014, 02:21 AM

hi my names matthew im new here
ive been having a problem due to anxiety or at least i think it is, i recently lost someone close to me in my family the beginning of this year and its been hard on me i was stressed from it and ive been having problems swallowing food then problems swallowing just saliva in general it was all day everyday like a hesitation, fear of choking, feeling like my throat will close up and ill choke on my own spit, i even did choke a couple times because it was so bad then i went on anxiety pills and it hasnt been as bad my doc said my brain chemistry will correct itself in another year its like putting a cast on a broken leg so we'll see
so my question is, im not the only one with this problem right im not the only one who's gone through it, i just feel like a freak, and i want it to go away and know it'll go away and i'll get better in time, will i? has anyone else gone through this?