Been helping classmates with their own writing that I abandoned my own needs to finish this project once and for all. I spent most of my schoolwork time reading their work, thinking about it, making comments and suggestions. The professor asked us to do this, but I have went far beyond her requirements because I'm just...idk. I don't want to leave them hanging and I need to finish something I started. They on the other hand, rushed through mine and said blah blah blah, very good. -_-
Tomorrow I must take my writing piece to the writing center and get help with it asap because I am so stuck with it and it's weird because I know exactly what I want to say but have never had this kind of inability to articulate. I thought about it so much but writing it out seems so awful. Ugh. And it's supposed to be creative. I'm telling you if I'm going to be judged on creativity, I'll die. I worked on this project for 3 weeks. Still haven't finished. First wrote too much then wrote too little. Something about it is off.
oh and I'm thinking about my cultural anthro final exam tomorrow ):