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Jordioa18 Offline
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Name: Jordi
Age: 27
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs - May 9th 2014, 01:31 PM

Used to be an unorthodox protestant christian, I had God in my heart, but I'm not doing things His way, but my way, I don't go to church (In fact, I fucking dispise going to church), I swear a lot (And I hate censoring). My more orthodox christian friends are giving me some flack about it, but that's being a judgemental asshole.

Now I'm shifting to agnostic, because there is lack of proof that a god exsists, but I'm open to it if there is a correct religion. I don't judge christians or anyone with an religion unless they judge me because of that religion, then they should get it coming to them.

Skype: jordiadutchbroski
PSN: jordioa18

If you need help, PM/VM me
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