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Beautiful_Mess Offline
Trying to figure my life out..
Junior TeenHelper
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Name: Beth
Gender: Woman
Location: On a train,going nowhere

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Join Date: January 3rd 2014

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 1st 2014, 12:23 AM

I wish you'd get the fuck outta my freaking mind!!!! I want you to be erased from my mind and life permanently...I don't want to remember you or the times we had..I don't want to keep seeing you in my head at certain times of the day or night. I've got rid of your things...I've pretty much erased you from my life..but you always find away to creep back in my thoughts...You haven't called me in a week...but now today you decide to call!!....that shows me that you never really cared about me...becuz you forgot bout me sooo easily...I want to forget you sooo bad...I want to forget I ever loved you. Becuz deep down I know I don't...Theres no way I could love someone like you....I don't I possibly could....GET OUT OF MY LIFE.!!!

Waiting is a sign of true love and patience,anyone can say "I love you" But not everyone can wait and prove it's true.

Some say it's painful to wait for someone,Some say it's painful to forget someone,But the worst pain comes when you don't know whether to wait or forget.
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