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Name: taylor
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread - April 29th 2014, 11:55 PM

Alright, here it goes.

For Matthew, he needs some sleep. Night time is a dark time for him, I know, but he needs it so bad. I think his grades are significantly improving, so pray that he realizes his personal health comes first. Also, for us in general, I think I make things difficult a lot, just pray he knows I'm not doing any of this to hurt him.

For Cody, he really just needs someone. I know me and him are friends now and that's great, but I want to see him happy and with someone else just so he can prove to himself that he deserves love.

For Keoni, I have no fucking idea why but ever since he told me about his struggles I've always just worried.

For Patrick, the ex-boyfriend. I've prayed for him a lot but I think now, even though things seem to be okay with him, I know deep down inside that they're not. He's making his life shit and he needs to stop and live his life. Help him be good at college, and help him not shut out his friends or family, and help him end his battles. Let him win. He's such a great guy.

For his puppy, Quincey. I miss that dog. He's old and not doing good and yeah. Pray for that adorable little shit.

For Maddy, a girl that doesn't even know me but just had a baby and needs some prayers. Teenage mommy can't be easy. For teen moms everywhere, let them make the right choices and find the love they need during this time.

For Tonya, whose belly keeps growing and I can't wait to see tons of snapchats of baby Lane!

For Abby and for Freshman, they both have shit they need to deal with and they really over exaggerate it, but having problems is never good, Abby especially, who deals with self harm. Help the girls let go of whatever and get through this time.

For Chris Martin in his new divorce. Must suck. Love that man. Coldplay on, bae!

For Thomas, I haven't gotten to talk to him much yet about things but he's not doing very well and I really care about him. So yeah, for him.

For me. That's selfish, sorry.

For those who were hit by the tornadoes in Arkansas? Right, or somewhere I guess.

For anyone suffering with mental illness, or struggling in their lives.

For those in the military.

For you.
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