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Re: How do I tell my parents I cut?! -
April 18th 2014, 12:30 AM
Hey there!
Sorry to hear that some of your family members told others about that. Such a private thing, you must feel frustrated over that. Even though this is a scary situation, maybe it can turn out to be a good thing. If you tell your parents, they may be able to help you with your self-harm and get you a therapist if you wish.
You can write them a note about why you do it, and how you're feeling if you'd like. Sometimes writing it out on a note and giving to them feels easier than saying it verbally. Less chance of backing out and stuttering.
Do you feel like you wanna recover from self-harm? I know it might be hard, but you can do it. Do you have any hobbies? I suggest taking up hobbies and interests as distractions to help you keep from cutting. You can also click here for a list of self-harm alternatives. It's a list of things you can do when you get urges to self-harm, there's lots of stuff on there. You should try some of them when you feel like hurting yourself.
Opening up to others is a good step towards recovery. You can open up here as well if you feel comfortable. Would you wanna talk about why you hurt yourself? Feel free to, you can PM me if you'd like to keep it private. I definitely don't mind listening. You can also keep us updated on how the talk with your parents goes, hope it goes well for you and you get the support you need. Stay strong. 
Last edited by DeletedAccount12; April 18th 2014 at 01:48 AM.