just because. No that's not the title of the poem. -
April 10th 2014, 05:02 PM
Just bored. Well not really because I do have things to do. But I need a way out of all this swarming homework. All because of this nasty thing called spring break.
so this is something I wrote a few weeks ago. No title. Maybe you can help with that? I wrote this as a blog post once but I feel like something about my writing these days is off
so suggestions and feedback will be helpful.
Warmth draws me in, invites
my uncertain self, telling me it’ll be okay
distant music, a harp or flute I cannot tell,
comes closer, forms a circle, first large then
smaller and smaller till it is tight at my ankles
an invisible rope grips my skin and pulls, clinging
not even two fingers I can put through, between the rope and legs.
A hypnotizing haze, the music getting louder, that kind you hear, when
you’re waiting on the phone for a customer service representative to finally be available
harsh and unwanted, yet luring
not so warm and soft any longer, yet drawing me in now violently.
screeching, no longer a melody
tightening around my torso now
I bite my lips and wince.