My Little Brother Has A Girlfriend!? -
April 5th 2014, 02:57 PM
I woke up this morning, with excitement. It was a beautiful day, and I wanted to have fun (while trying to forget all of the crap in my life). I have only my half-brother and I asked him if he wanted to do the same. While we were getting ready, I guess he got really excited, and spilled his secret to me! He has a girlfriend! I got really awkward for a moment, and acted like I was really happy. Then I got caught up in my thoughts, and was really sad, because I felt so DIFFERENT, from everyone else in my family. Of course he doesn't know if I am gay or not, so I don't want to influence him in a negative fashion (or so I think) because he needs a role model (like his big brother) to talk to or to help him.Then, he asked me if I could ask another girl out for him, I said no. Have you ever dealt with something like this? If so, how did you deal with it?